Copyright (c) 1991, by Dennis J. Yelton. All Rights Reserved. ============================================================================== ORDER INFORMATION (Offer for Version 1.00 expires Jan. 1, 1995) ----------------- To order a registered copy of "PUZZLERS," complete the form below. The cost is $12.50 for the software, plus a $2.50 charge for shipping and handling. (Texas residents must add sales tax -- see order form.) All payments must be in U.S. dollars, and payable to Dennis J. Yelton. (Checks or money orders must be drawn on a U.S. bank.) Return the completed form, with the payment, to: Puzzlers Purchase Order c/o Dennis J. Yelton 2901 Barton Skyway #1404 Austin, Tx. 78746. Orders may take about a week to process. Allowing for postal lag time, you should receive your order about two weeks after sending the form. The only exception is if you send your order during my annual two-week vacation. So to be safe, if you're ordering this for a friend's birthday present or something, you should allow four weeks total processing time. PUZZLERS requires an IBM PC or compatible type computer, at least 512K of RAM, EGA or VGA color graphics, and DOS 2.0 or greater. Also, a processor speed of at least 8 MHz is recommended, but not required. Here's what you get for your money: 1. The most recent registered update of PUZZLERS.EXE. This includes the "Expert and "Genius" versions of SOLVE, the DESIGN feature, and the twenty-six demo puzzle files. (See PUZZLERS.DOC.) 2. The program documentation file (PUZZLERS.DOC). 3. A collection of PUZZLERS hints, tips, suggestions, and general information (PZLHINTS.DOC). This fifty-seven page file contains thorough, detailed information on: a. How to solve an Alphabet Soup puzzle -- a simple procedure which will make you an instant "Expert." b. How to solve a Quilt puzzle -- guidelines on how to deduce the position of any quilt tile, even if you've never seen the unscrambled solution! c. How SOLVE works -- see what's behind the "Genius" of SOLVE. d. A description of several of the PUZZLERS puzzles' basic mathematical properties -- clear and thorough explanations; no complicated mathematical mumbo-jumbo. e. Thirty hints for unraveling the mysteries of the Clue Poem! (Including a complete solution.) 4. A ninety day limited warranty on the program diskette. 5. Free support for six months. 6. A 50% discount on all future version upgrades. =============================================================================== ORDER FORM (#000023) (Version 1.00 -- offer expires on Jan. 1, 1995.) ---------- Complete all items and return with a full payment of $15.00, in U.S. dollars, payable to Dennis J. Yelton. (Texas residents, add $1.09 sales tax. Austin MTA residents, add an additional $0.11.) I. PURCHASER INFORMATION Name:_________________________________________ COMPLETE mailing address:_________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ II. PACKAGING INFORMATION: Which type of diskette? (Check only one) 5.25" diskette ___ 3.5" diskette ___ III. REGISTERED USER The registered user's name will appear on the title page, where it reads "Unregistered User" in the unregistered version of the program. Please print the registered user's name in the blanks below EXACTLY as you wish it to appear on the title page. (Use capital letters only where you wish them, etc.). You are limited to a maximum of twenty-six characters, including spaces and punctuation. The name you give must be that of a private individual, and not that of a group, club, organization, etc. If you are obtaining this program for a friend, be sure to use your FRIEND's name and not your own. REGISTERED USER: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IV. COMMENTS (Optional, but greatly appreciated.) Where did you learn about PUZZLERS? _____________________________ _________________________________________________________________ General Comments & Suggestions: _________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________